This is where the project concept is created, it may not be what the end result looks like, but it is a starting point working towards testing the feasibility of your vision. It may be that you are just beginning your property journey and need some guidance through the initial stages or you may have already started building your portfolio but need some professional assistance to get to the next levels. (more…)

You could consider the most important function of property project management is planning! The more complex the project the more planning that is required in the early stages, this will maximise your chances of a successful outcome. In this stage we would spend time detailing the specific actions and work structures that will be required towards realising the vision. (more…)

By this stage the planning has been thoroughly detailed and you are well on your way through the project and is now considered fully specified. The finances have been taken care of and the builder has been selected and contracts have been signed. Depending on your site there may also be subdivision process, connections of new or expansions on existing services and demolition/site preparation before actual building construction works can commence. (more…)

The project schedule and contract terms detail planned key milestone dates and those accountable. It is imperative this process is properly managed to ensure the project stays on course for a successful outcome, as planned, on time and to budget whilst maintaining highest level of quality controls. Our experts can quickly identify if there are any deviations away from the project plan and act decisively to rectify these to bringing the project back on track. (more…)

The construction is now complete, you’ve obtained all the necessary certifications and you are ready to move forward. In this stage we highly value completing a project review where the “lessons learned” are discussed and we reflect on what was done well and what other opportunities we can identify. (more…)